Tuesday, October 23, 2012


"The Lord our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain."
                                                                                                                      - Deuteronomy 1:6

Imagine driving to an important event in a dark and severe thunderstorm. The deafening sound of thunder rattles the windshield as flash flood warnings indicate impending trouble and the blanket of rain handicaps visibility. Suddenly, your car hits an unexpected pothole then violently spins out of control, only to come to a halt in a muddy ravine. In a state of fear and panic you hit the gas. Your engine revs to 50 mph, yet you are still stuck. You quickly hit the gas again as the rpm climbs, but there is NO forward motion. As the temperature of anger and frustration rapidly rise you snatch the gear into reverse, then overdrive, but you have only sunk deeper into a muddy ditch of despair.
Question: What do you do?
Answer: A. Keep spinning your wheels and flinging mud, only to sink deeper.
              B. Call an emergency vehicle for help.
              C. Wait until the rain stops, the sun come out, and dry the mud so you can move on.

So many of us traveling on our journey to purpose as sunlight illuminates our path, suddenly find ourselves in an unexpected and violent storm. At that moment we often entertain the thought of making a U-turn, however we've come too far and traveled too long to turn around. Therefore, we grip the steering wheel of self-control and drive into the fierce storm while praying for a favorable outcome. Have you ever been on a quiet and peaceful journey only to be radically disrupted by the overwhelming presence and pressure of a storm. Storms and hurricanes come in all atmospheric categories: 1. Minimal (winds of 75 to 95 mph). 2. Moderate (winds of 96-110 mph). 3. Extensive (winds of 111 to 130 mph). 4. Extreme (winds of 131-155 mph). 5. Catastrophic (winds of 131-155 mph).

Just as there are natural storm categories there are emotional and spiritual storm categories that we find ourselves engulfed in, storms of: financial hardship, foreclosure, layoffs, social injustice, divorce, death of a loved one, family turmoil, incarceration, addiction, health issues, sexual abuse, domestic violence, etc...
Storms can oftentimes cause us to go into an uncontrollable tale spin, only to find ourselves stuck in a muddy ditch of; despair, hopelessness, anger, rage, bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, guilt, condemnation, rejection, loneliness, suspicion, paranoia, inferiority, deep inner sorrow, regret, and isolation. It is NOT your fault that lack of visibility; due to the storm, and its strong wind, hurled you into a ditch that you can't get out of by yourself! However, it is your fault if you stay there! It is not God's will for us to remain in a ditch spinning our wheels and wasting our resources going no where. Equally, it is not His will for us to waste valuable time in waiting for a brighter day to shine through the darkness of our storm. For this reason, God wants us to press beyond pride and pity to call a trustworthy person of strength to help pull us out of our current condition of immobility. This is where; prayer, emotional therapy, intervention, intercession, deliverance teaching, accountability, and a plan of action, will help us get back on our road to purpose. So the next time you find yourself lying in a muddy ditch from a violent storm, remind yourself that where you must go is far greater than where you are. MOVE!!!

Find me @ www.zionspeakz.com


  1. Hallelujah!!! I concur! We get to CHOOSE to sink in mud or to climb above, allowing God to lead us. God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in the times of trouble!!!

  2. When you can't can't trace Him you've got to trust Him!
