The term sagging actually refers to the practice of wearing pants below the waist, in such a manner that it reveals some part of the person's underwear. Although sagging has been accredited to the prison system. However, historical facts proves that sagging was first instituted on American plantations. This was a demonic and degrading system which was imposed by many overseers upon slaves. Many black male slaves were raped just as the black female population. The male slaves who were raped were made to wear their pants sagging which became a sexual sign of homosexuality for other slave holders and overseers to make note once the slave was shipped to surrounding plantations. Perverse slave holders were always delighted to see sagging pants. This became their sign to seduce and rape. Some young me don't even know the sexual signals they are sending to me who are attracted to saggers which is more widespread than you think. Your son probably doesn't realize that he's the silent focus of lustful eyes as he walks down the street with his jeans sagging.
According to Dr. Mark Oliver Mansbach, continuous wearing of sagging pants severely impacts sexual performance causing erectile dysfunction. "In our study we discovered that sagging pants wearers are 70% more likely to prematurely ejaculate during intercourse. There is a 78% likelihood that sagging pants wearers have erectile dysfunction." Mansbach estimates that 75 to82% of the men who wear saggy pants have some sort of sexual dysfunction. However, because of machismo associated with Hip Hop and urban culture, they mask their sexual inadequacy by displaying fits of anger and rage-like behavior toward each other and toward women who they can not please. It's the dirty little secret in urban communities that no one wants to talk about.
Sagging is not only a display of plantation perversion it is also a contributor to a health crisis. We must reach our young men with truth and compassion, one person at a time as a father would reach his son.