It is impossible to; turn on the television, read a magazine, or listen to the radio, without in many ways being influenced by the sway of opinions or ideas. The power of mass media on our thought life is not only real, but highly effective. Without warning we are bombarded with propaganda, lies, hate, and overindulgence in consumerism. Crafty and strategic marketing based on mind control through repetitive and enticing advertisement will have you buying what you want, rather than what you need. And the end result is always the slavery of debt while those in control enjoy financial freedom for generations to come. In an attempt to gain more ratings many news outlets continue to sensationalize and glamorize; death, pain, and racism. The music industry on the other hand lulls many to sleep into a never ending coma of child-like delinquency. Let me be clear. We all have the power of choice. God has given us the human ability to make decisions. However, we must fight to break out of our mental matrix in conforming to a system that profits off of our lack of identity, pain, and greed. There is a Neo in you that is waiting to break forth to be a healthy alternative to the matrix.